I feel the need by starting with the fact that I am a cluttery person. I know this, I try really hard not to be and I am continually working on it. Thanks for not judging me :) Any who.... What really started this blog post in my head, I was wondering what appliances you keep on your counter? Do you keep jars of your flour, sugar, salt etc???? As I was cleaning up my kitchen this morning and hitting some areas that needed attention, I get really frustrated by the messiness of the cords and getting everything to line up. That lead to making a spot in the cupboard for the crock pot (which incedently is supposed to live downstairs but I use it so often it rarely gets taken back down there). I keep looking at the clutter and I don't like it but I am not sure what to do with some of it. So tell me some of your tricks at keeping your kitchen and other rooms clutter free?

I try to keep my counters as clean as possible. I figure they get enough crap on them from the mail, school work, etc. I keep most of my small appliances in cupboards, panty, etc (wherever they fit!). I also keep most of my entertaining dishes in my storage room in the basement. As for the other rooms, I need as much help as I can get!
I am sure that my counters look like yours Cari. I am always looking for ways to organize things so that my island especially is cleared off- right now most of it is covered with school stuff and mail I need to go through. Great post by the way! I can hardly wait to see what ideas everyone else has. :)
I do NOT keep any appliances on my counter! I don't like the clutter and the cords either! I keep everything in the pantry except the crock pot and toaster. They are in a cupboard...but I do have to say this house has spoiled me rotten because it has cupboards galore! But I've also bought combination appliances like now I have a toaster/toaster-oven combo and my Boshe has the blend on top. Previously I was an owner of a microwave with a toaster on the side. Loved it! It was from LG but I don't know if they make it anymore. Anyway, "Less is More!"
I am cluttered in the head as well as everywhere else! So I don't have any great advice but I love the old saying "everything has a place and everything IN its place" so if you don't have a place for something debate whether or not you really need it, if so make a place for it, if not GET RID OF IT! which is my problem . . . I tend to tell myself I need things when I really don't.
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