I recently ran out of the huge bottle of dish soap I bought at Costco, oh about 4 years ago (yes we wash our dishes but we have a water softener and a hubby that will go completely out of his to not have to wash dishes by hand). I had bought several bottles during a sale that was down stairs in the food storage. This was the first bottle brought up. I have to admit that while my Handsome hubby will try to avoid washing dishes by hand, if he is home he won't let me do them. I know I know eat you heart out girls! He is taken :). I have however in a short time come to love this stuff!! I was once told at a Pampered Chef party that dish soap doesn't disinfect it just cuts through the grease. Well this little bottle has bleach in it, so guess what? Yep that right it DISINFECTS!!! My readers a probably so smart that they already knew about this product. I just discovered it and it makes me happy to know that when I wash the dishes and counters with it they are getting sanitized :) YAY this makes me happy!!!
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