So I have started making scripture totes out of place mats. They are super easy and so much fun! These make FANTASTIC gifts! You can be really creative or as simple as you would like. I am now always looking for cute place mats. I never pay more than 4.00 for a mat. I really like to buy them at Big Lots because I can get them for 1.00, and because I am a hoarder of ribbon, I usually have some on hand to match what I am doing. So the last one I made I took some pictures as I went, they aren't great so I will try to describe what I doing really well to make up for that.
1. Pick and buy a place mat. You want it to be cotton not rubber, plastic or wood.

2. Remove all stickers and labels.
3. Decide what embelishments you are going to use. On this one I decided to use lace, it was a little harder to work with than ribbon but I thought it looked beautiful. I also decided to use a flower.

4. Handles. There are a few different ways to do the handles. You can buy wooden purse handles at craft stores. I love the look of those but they aren't always in the budget. So I cut 2 pieces of grosgrain ribbon about 10-12 inches long. Find the center of the the shorter side of the place mat. Measure out about 3 inches from the center and mark it with a pencil. Do the same on the other side. Do this on both ends of the place mat. Lay your ribbon where you have marked and stitch it down. Make sure to back stitch here to renforce the seam. Do both handles.

5. Next you are going to sew on your decorative lace or ribbon. I usually stitch both sides down. On this paticular one I wanted the lace to go all the way around the bag. I measured down 3 inches from the top on each side so that the lace will line up.

6. Now you are ready to stitch the sides up. You will fold the place mat in half right sides together, the handles should line up. Stitch up both sides. Make sure to back stitch at the top to reinforce the seam. This will keep it from coming undone.

7. This is the hardest part of the of the whole thing to do and it really isn't hard to do it is just hard to describe :). You are going to stick your hand inside the bag and widen the bottom corner. You are then going to fold it in on it self and make a triangle. You will stitch across the bottom of the triangle. These are going to fold inside the bag and open it up to give it a wide bottom.

8. Clip all your loose threads, and turn right side out. If you are going to attach a flower with glue now is the time to do it. I usually just use hot glue to attach them. You could add buttons, flowers anything you would like to make this tote uniquely you!
So I forgot to take a picture of the finished project before I gave it to the Birthday girl. Here is a picture of a previous one that I have done. I also realized that I also took most of the pictures of the ones that I have done with my phone and my son sent it swimming. One of these days I will you know think these things through! lol